B I O G R A P H Y  

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Nelwan Anwar’s  Biography  

      Born  in  Palu  ( Sulawesi Tengah ),  
at January 26th 1960. Finished his last education at Institute of Art in Jakarta.  At 1986  Fashion Comparative Study at Art Galery of London.  Traditional hand woven textile and Traditional hand printing batik, Traditional hand painted textile had been his expertise for all these years.

     His exclusive  hand woven design has been known by public from his own fashion show that been held each year in many cities of Indonesia and abroad.

  ·      1989, San Francisco Exebition, USA ( Hand woven for 
       fashion dress, hand woven for interior)

        ·      1990, Chille Santiago America (Hand woven for fahion )

        ·       1991, Buenos Aires, Argentina ( Hand woven for

·         1992, Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia (fashion show 
trend 1993 & hand printed batik on 100% silk)

·         1993, Kobe Japan show textile hand printed batik and hand 
woven expres for fashion

·         1995,  America, Buenos Aires at Argentina, Acun’tion at 
Paraguay, Monte Vidio at Uruguay, Mendoza Province, Brazill, 
Chille Santiago (Hand woven embroidery)

·         1996, Ten years of his dedication in fashion world, he had held 
his own fashion show. In this year is his first time making 
traditional wedding dress ( kebaya ) for women, which is used 
very complicated technique most of it using hand.

·         1996 – 1997,  He start to study natural fiber from pineapple, 
banana, water plant (Eceng Gondok), Akar Wangi plants mixed 
with silk, Wood fiber which is treated like flax and mixed with 
silk. They’r all can be used for making  various hand woven silk. 
This unique hand woven silk needs more hand process such 
as embroidery and beeds so it can be a very valuable wedding 
dress for customer in Jakarta, Singapore, Malaysia, England, 

·         1997, Japan Mrs. Yohana Takeuchi invited him for The textile 
Craft Exhibition and fashion show at The Hilton hotel - Kyoto, 

·         1998, East Europe, Chzeko at The Hilton Prague Hotel ( Hand 
woven from natural fiber for fashion dress ).

·         1999 – 2000, He concentrated to make a new design high fashion 
for now and the future 

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Jakarta. Indonesia